Are you a knitter, crocheter, yarn dyer or other crafty type? What are your favorite tools and supplies?
Today I will share some of my knitting faves.
Now I'm not much of a knitter, personally. I am learning though, and I've found some tools more useful than others.
Circular Needles - I asked the robust knitting community on Twitter for their suggestions for someone new to knitting that wants to learn. This was the most valuable of all the wonderful suggestions I received. No dropping needles on the floor or wide ends bumping into things. They are much more tidy and compact. These Clover Bamboo Needles* were the first I tried with success.
Inspired by finally being able to knit a row or two, I invested in an interchangeable set. I like these from KnitPicks*, they don't take up a lot of space, and come in their own handy-dandy clear case. I got the "Majestic Foursquare" version, with flat sides in rich purples. I don't have the slightest idea if square needles are really better than round, but I think they keep me from fumbling as much.
Of course, knitting needles aren't the only tools needed for the trade.
My #1 is a tiny pair, of ultra-sharp scissors*from Gingher. I love the two-tone gold lion tail handles with bright silver blades for precise snips. Prices vary on these, and I managed to snag mine at Amazon for under $20!
I also cannot do without ziplocs! They're cheap, simple, and the easiest way I've found to make my yarn and tools portable. Just seal it up and into the purse it goes! Usually quart size* is big enough to carry my active yarn and tools.
What's in your knitting bag or basket? Is there something you can't live without?
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Until next time,
Stay Wild and Keep Creating!
Jami @ Wild Poppy Yarns

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